Target Audience:

Weather Enthusiasts or Researchers including Meteorologists and Weather Analysts, Developers who want to integrate weather data into their applications, and anyone who needs customized weather data based on specific coordinates or parameters.

Getting Started (Page 2 of 3)

Get a list of weather API parameters

We need to know the parameters acceptable by the Weather Data Service. These parameters determine the response we get from the service.

We will send a request to this end point:

A List of Weather API Parameters

ID Name Description Unit Aggregation Type
1001 Instantaneous temperature at 2m null Celcius AVERAGE
1002 Mean air temperature at 2m null Celcius AVERAGE
1003 Minimum air temperature at 2m null Celcius MINIMUM
1004 Maximum air temperature at 2m null Celcius MAXIMUM
1021 Instantaneous temperature in canopy null Celcius AVERAGE
1022 Mean air temperature in canopy null Celcius AVERAGE
1023 Minimum air temperature in canopy null Celcius MINIMUM
1024 Maximum air temperature in canopy null Celcius MAXIMUM
1101 Instantaneous temperature at -5cm null Celcius AVERAGE
1102 Mean temperature at -5cm null Celcius AVERAGE
1111 Instantaneous temperature at -10cm null Celcius AVERAGE
1112 Mean temperature at -10cm null Celcius AVERAGE
1121 Instantaneous temperature at -20cm null Celcius AVERAGE
1122 Mean temperature at -20cm null Celcius AVERAGE
1131 Instantaneous temperature at -30cm null Celcius AVERAGE
1132 Mean temperature at -30cm null Celcius AVERAGE
1141 Instantaneous temperature at -40cm null Celcius AVERAGE
1142 Mean temperature at -40cm null Celcius AVERAGE
1151 Instantaneous temperature at -50cm null Celcius AVERAGE
1152 Mean temperature at -50cm null Celcius AVERAGE
1901 Dew point temperature null Celcius AVERAGE
2001 Precipitation null mm SUM
3001 Instantaneous RH at 2m null % AVERAGE
3002 Mean RH at 2m null % AVERAGE
3003 Minimum RH at 2m null % MINIMUM
3004 Maximum RH at 2m null % MAXIMUM
3021 Instantaneous RH in canopy null % AVERAGE
3022 Mean RH in canopy null % AVERAGE
3023 Minimum RH in canopy null % MINIMUM
3024 Maximum RH in canopy null % MAXIMUM
3101 Leaf wetness in 2m (minutes/hour) null minutes/hour SUM
3102 Leaf wetness in canopy null minutes/hour SUM
3103 Leaf wetness in grass null minutes/hour SUM
4001 Wind direction at 2m (degrees 0-360) null degrees AVERAGE
4002 Instantaneous wind speed at 2m null m/s AVERAGE
4003 Mean wind speed at 2m null m/s AVERAGE
4004 Max wind speed at 2m null m/s MAXIMUM
4005 Min wind speed at 2m null m/s MINIMUM
4011 Wind direction at 10m (degrees 0-360) null degrees AVERAGE
4012 Instantaneous wind speed at 10m null m/s AVERAGE
4013 Mean wind speed at 10m null m/s AVERAGE
4014 Max wind speed at 10m null m/s MAXIMUM
4015 Min wind speed at 10m null m/s MINIMUM
5001 Solar radiation (Q0) (W/sqm) null W/sqm AVERAGE

Response Explanation

id: A unique identifier for each data type or measurement. This is useful for referencing or querying specific data points.

name: a descriptive label or title for the measurement or data point. It indicates what the measurement represents (e.g., "Instantaneous temperature at 2m" or "Dew point temperature").

description: A textual description providing more context about the data point.

unit: The unit of measurement for the data, such as "Celcius" for temperature and "W/sqm" for solar radiation.

aggregationType: Defines how the data is summarized or processed. AVG (Average): Represents the average value over a time or spatial domain. MIN (Minimum): Represents the lowest value in the dataset. MAX (Maximum): Represents the highest value in the dataset. SUM: Represents the cumulative total (e.g., total precipitation over a period).

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