Target Audience:
Weather Enthusiasts or Researchers including Meteorologists and Weather Analysts, Developers who want to integrate weather data into their applications, and anyone who needs customized weather data based on specific coordinates or parameters.
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Get a list of weather API parameters
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A List of Weather API Parameters
ID | Name | Description | Unit | Aggregation Type |
1001 | Instantaneous temperature at 2m | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
1002 | Mean air temperature at 2m | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
1003 | Minimum air temperature at 2m | null | Celcius | MINIMUM |
1004 | Maximum air temperature at 2m | null | Celcius | MAXIMUM |
1021 | Instantaneous temperature in canopy | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
1022 | Mean air temperature in canopy | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
1023 | Minimum air temperature in canopy | null | Celcius | MINIMUM |
1024 | Maximum air temperature in canopy | null | Celcius | MAXIMUM |
1101 | Instantaneous temperature at -5cm | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
1102 | Mean temperature at -5cm | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
1111 | Instantaneous temperature at -10cm | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
1112 | Mean temperature at -10cm | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
1121 | Instantaneous temperature at -20cm | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
1122 | Mean temperature at -20cm | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
1131 | Instantaneous temperature at -30cm | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
1132 | Mean temperature at -30cm | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
1141 | Instantaneous temperature at -40cm | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
1142 | Mean temperature at -40cm | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
1151 | Instantaneous temperature at -50cm | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
1152 | Mean temperature at -50cm | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
1901 | Dew point temperature | null | Celcius | AVERAGE |
2001 | Precipitation | null | mm | SUM |
3001 | Instantaneous RH at 2m | null | % | AVERAGE |
3002 | Mean RH at 2m | null | % | AVERAGE |
3003 | Minimum RH at 2m | null | % | MINIMUM |
3004 | Maximum RH at 2m | null | % | MAXIMUM |
3021 | Instantaneous RH in canopy | null | % | AVERAGE |
3022 | Mean RH in canopy | null | % | AVERAGE |
3023 | Minimum RH in canopy | null | % | MINIMUM |
3024 | Maximum RH in canopy | null | % | MAXIMUM |
3101 | Leaf wetness in 2m (minutes/hour) | null | minutes/hour | SUM |
3102 | Leaf wetness in canopy | null | minutes/hour | SUM |
3103 | Leaf wetness in grass | null | minutes/hour | SUM |
4001 | Wind direction at 2m (degrees 0-360) | null | degrees | AVERAGE |
4002 | Instantaneous wind speed at 2m | null | m/s | AVERAGE |
4003 | Mean wind speed at 2m | null | m/s | AVERAGE |
4004 | Max wind speed at 2m | null | m/s | MAXIMUM |
4005 | Min wind speed at 2m | null | m/s | MINIMUM |
4011 | Wind direction at 10m (degrees 0-360) | null | degrees | AVERAGE |
4012 | Instantaneous wind speed at 10m | null | m/s | AVERAGE |
4013 | Mean wind speed at 10m | null | m/s | AVERAGE |
4014 | Max wind speed at 10m | null | m/s | MAXIMUM |
4015 | Min wind speed at 10m | null | m/s | MINIMUM |
5001 | Solar radiation (Q0) (W/sqm) | null | W/sqm | AVERAGE |
Response Explanation
id: A unique identifier for each data type or measurement. This is useful for referencing or querying specific data points.
name: a descriptive label or title for the measurement or data point. It indicates what the measurement represents (e.g., "Instantaneous temperature at 2m" or "Dew point temperature").
description: A textual description providing more context about the data point.
unit: The unit of measurement for the data, such as "Celcius" for temperature and "W/sqm" for solar radiation.
aggregationType: Defines how the data is summarized or processed. AVG (Average): Represents the average value over a time or spatial domain. MIN (Minimum): Represents the lowest value in the dataset. MAX (Maximum): Represents the highest value in the dataset. SUM: Represents the cumulative total (e.g., total precipitation over a period).