Target Audience:
Weather Enthusiasts or Researchers including Meteorologists and Weather Analysts, Developers who want to integrate weather data into their applications, and anyone who needs customized weather data based on specific coordinates or parameters.
Getting Started (Page 1 of 3)
To quickly get weather data for your location, simply follow the following steps:
We will use this API URL :
Get list of all weather data sources for your location
We are going to list all weather data sources registered in the Weather Data Service. We will use the following coordinates to query weather data for our location (Lilongwe, Malawi):
latitude = -14.159339longitude = 33.776864
Our end point URL will be:
A List of Weather Data Sources
ID | Name | Description | Public_URL | Endpoint | Organization | Country | Priority |
no.met.locationforecast | Met Norway Locationforecast | 9-day forecasts for the entire planet. 2.5 km resolution in the Nordic-Baltic region, 9km elsewhere | Visit | {WEATHER_API_URL}/weatheradapter/metnorwaylocationforecast/ | The Norwegian Meteorological Institute | Norway | 0 | | DCCMS Locationforecast | 5-day forecasts for Malawi | Visit | {WEATHER_API_URL}/rest/weatheradapter/dccmslocationforecast/ | Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services | Malawi | 10 |
org.tahmo | Tahmo weather stations | Tahmo weather stations network | Visit | {WEATHER_API_URL}/weatheradapter/tahmo/ | Tahmo | Kenya | None | | Open-Meteo | Seasonal weather data and forecasts for the entire world | Visit | {WEATHER_API_URL}/weatheradapter/openmeteo/ | Open-Meteo | Germany | 1 |
Response Explanation
id: is the unique identifier for the weather data source
name: is the name of the weather data source
description: describes weather data source
endpoint: is where client software sends their requests for weather data
authentication_type: could be `NONE`, `CREDENTIALS` or `BEARER_TOKEN`
needs_data_control: A value of `true` means that the source may have missing or erroneous data
access_type: could be `stations` or `location`
temporal: describes how far back and forward in time the data source can deliver data. The `forecast` property is minimum 0 and is measured in days ahead. `historic` takes ISO dates (YYYY-MM-DD) or `null` (as end) if the station is active
parameters: is a list of weather parameters. An updated list can be found at the endpoint `[API_URL]/rest/parameter`
spatial: is used by the API to locate where the data source is valid/has data. It could either be ISO three-letter country codes, a regular geoJSON polygon(s) or a geoJSON list of stations (such as in the above)
Read more about the Response Metadata at